dilluns, 8 de desembre del 2008


La Secretaria d’Afers Exteriors del Departament de la Vicepresidència de la Generalitat de Catalunya té entre les seves competències la coordinació i el suport a les Comunitats Catalanes de l’Exterior (CCE).

En el desenvolupament d’aquesta competència organitzarà el Fòrum Jove de les Comunitats Catalanes de l’Exterior el 2009. Per conèixer el contingut de la primera i la segona edició d'aquest esdeveniment, podeu consultar el lloc web de l’Àrea de les CCE (www.cce.cat, apartat ‘Trobades’).

Per a l’edició del proper any, i amb la voluntat de donar un nou impuls al Fòrum, s’ha preparat un seguit d’accions que comporten que les tasques de treball no es realitzin només el dies de les sessions a Barcelona sinó que hi hagi un treball previ, el qual es desenvoluparà a través de la plataforma eCatalunya

Per tant, tots aquells joves que tinguin interès en participar en aquest procés tindran ocasió de fer-ho de forma activa.

Des del Casal Català de Victòria Inc., us hi animem a participar!

dilluns, 1 de desembre del 2008

Learn Catalan this summer

Spice up your summer - Learn a romance language!

La Trobe University’s Spanish Program, in conjunction with the Catalan Government, invites you to join in a four week intensive Catalan language course for complete beginners this summer.

This introduction to the exciting and dynamic Catalan language will give you insight into the unique culture from this part of Spain. Offered for complete beginners, this four week intensive course, equivalent to one semester’s learning, will reinforce the everyday use of the language.

Incorporating a range of materials, Dr Victòria Gras, an experienced teacher and native speaker of Catalan, will introduce you to a variety of aspects of Catalan culture and language, exploring the problematic co-existence of Catalan alongside Spanish, particularly in relation to Barcelona.

When: This course will run from February 3rd – 27th, 2009 (Summer Semester/ Weeks 6-9) Classes will be held Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10am – 1:30pm
Location: La Trobe University, Melbourne (City) Campus, 215 Franklin Street, Melbourne (Melway map ref: 2F B1)
Credit: This subject may be taken purely for interest.
University students who satisfactorily complete the assessment tasks may approach their home faculty to apply for credit towards their degree. Students seeking such credit should gain the approval of their faculty before registration.

Where can I find out more information and enrol?
This unit is open for enrolment to both University students and the general public. For general enquiries regarding enrolling in a single unit contact the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, La Trobe University on +61 3 9479 2023 or visit their website at www.latrobe.edu.au/humanities