divendres, 27 d’agost del 2010

La Diada 2010

Dissabte 11 de setembre de 3.30 a 6 de la tarda

Estimats socis i sòcies,

Us saludem un cop més des del recentment constituït comitè després de l'Assemblea General anual celebrada el passat 22 d'agost.
El nou Comitè està format per:

Presidenta: Montserrat Becker,
Vicepresident: Peter Gerrand,
Secretària: Sara Bosch,
Tresorer: Albert Casellas,
Vocals: Josephine Canals, Mireia Perez, Victoria Gras, Marina Mateos i Àngela Amorós

Un any més ens reunim al Casal per celebrar la nostra Diada Nacional de Catalunya. Aquest any serà el dissabte a partir de dos quarts de quatre de la tarda, una mica més tard que de costum.

A l’acte ens honrarà la presència del recentment arribat Consul General espanyol, Sr. D. Miguel Gómez de Aranda y Villén, i també de l’Olvido Martin Guillén, del Departament de Cultura del Consulat, amb qui el Casal ha mantingut últimament força comunicació a resultes de les visites de diversos escriptors catalans a Melbourne.

Un cop fetes les presentacions pertinents i una breu explicació del significat de la trobada, passarem a fer un resum de l'actualitat més fervent a Catalunya i a gaudir d'un pica pica gentilesa del Casal. Tambe hi haura entreteniment pels mes menuts.

Ens plau comunicar que darrerament hem observat que amics i persones no socies del Casal assisteixen als events que organitzem, cosa que volem continuar encoratjant! No obstant i degut a les despeses que generen els events, demanarem una donacio simbolica de $5 per alguns events a les persones adultes assistents que no son membres del Casal.

Gràcies a tots per la vostra atenció i esperem veure-us-hi!
El Comitè

* * * * * * * * * *

Saturday September 11th from 3.30 to 6pm

Dear Members,

The recently constituted new Casal Committee welcomes you, following the General Annual Meeting held last August 22nd.
The members of the new Committee are:

President: Montserrat Becker,
Vicepresident: Peter Gerrand,
Secretary: Sara Bosch,
Treasurer: Albert Casellas,
Ordinary Members: Josephine Canals, Mireia Perez, Victòria Gras, Marina Mateos and Àngela Amorós

Once more we'll be meeting at the Casal to celebrate our National Day. This year, it will be on a Saturday from 3.30pm, a bit later than usual.

We will be honoured to have in the event as our guest the Spanish Consul General, Mr. Miguel Gómez de Aranda y Villén, who has recently arrived in Melbourne, together with Ms. Olvido Martín Guillén, from the Department of Culture in the Spanish Consulate, with whom we have been in touch lately thanks to various Catalan writers who have visited Melbourne.

After the presentations and a brief explanation of the significance of the event, we will have an update of the news in Catalonia as we have a drink and taste some nibbles in the Casal. There will be entertainment for the children.

We are pleased to observe that members have been inviting friends to come to the Casal's events. We would like to keep encouraging this trend! However, due to the catering expenses, please note that a $5 donation will be sought from each adult non-member to help cover costs.

We thank you all and we hope to see you there!
The Casal Committee

dilluns, 23 d’agost del 2010

L'escriptor Emili Rosales al Melbourne Writers Festival

Melbourne Writers Festival 2010

Emili Rosales is the author of four novels and has won international recognition with The Invisible City, a literary journey of self-discovery that involves the mythic foundation of a city in the XVIIIth century. Sant Jordi Prize winner, the main literary award in Catalan language, it was selected by critics among the five best novels in Spain in 2006 and shortlisted to Prix Médicis Étranger in France in 2007. The Invisible City has been translated to 25 languages in Europe and Asia.

As an editor, Emili Rosales has published Carlos Ruiz Zafón and Stieg Larsson in Spain. Emili Rosales will be appearing:

Saturday 28th August
ACMI Studio 1

The Changing City: How are our cities changing across fiction and reality?
Do certain perspectives provide privileged viewpoints?
Adrian Franklin, Fiona McGregor and Emili Rosales discuss
Price: 21 full / 19 concession

Saturday 28th August
CAE Rm B427
Emili Rosales: In Conversation - In Spanish:
Emili Rosales speaks in Spanish about the life as a writer, editor and translator.
Price: 21 full / 19 concession

Sunday 29th August

The Morning Fix: Kickstart the day with a piping hot cup of literary goodness a
specially selected blend of writers discuss and read from their work.
Join Emili Rosales, Wayne Macauley, Evelyn Jures,
Kirsten Tranter and host Chris Flynn

diumenge, 1 d’agost del 2010

AGM 2010 - Reunió Anual General 2010

Diumenge 22 d'agost a les 15.00h. al Casal

Ordre del dia:

1. Obertura de la sessió per part de la Presidenta.
2. Lectura de l'acta de l'última reunió General Anual del 9 d'agost 2009.
3. Reportatges tresorer any fiscal finalitzats el 30 de juny 2009 i 30 Juny 2010.
4. Precs i preguntes.
5. Lectura de les persones que s'han postulat per formar part del nou comitè.
6. Elecció del nou comitè.
7. Cloenda.

Volem donar les gràcies al present Comitè, els quals han exercit la tasca d'organitzar i administrar els afers del Casal durant aquest any passat: Montse Becker, Peter Gerrand, Stewart King, Albert Casellas, Sara Bosch, Mireia Perez, Victòria Gras, Josephine Canals & Carmen Godinson.

Alguns d'aquests membres de Comitè estan aquí temporalment i tornaran a Catalunya aviat. Volem animar a altres socis a que formin part del nou Comité sobre tot als joves que poden aportar noves idees a la tasca d’organització de les activitats.

És saludable que les societats evolucionin i es renovin. No oblideu que el nostre Casal es de tots els socis, que està obert a tots i que per treure-li el rendiment que es mereix cal la vostra presencia en els actes que s’organitzen.

Aquells socis que estiguin interessats a ser nomenats o, a nomenar a una altra persona, deuran completar el formulari de nominació inclòs que s’haurà de fer arribar al Casal no més tard d’una setmana abans de la reunió (15/08/10). Recordem als socis que per tenir veu i vot a aquesta reunió cal estar al corrent del pagament de la QUOTA ANUAL 2010/2011.

Voldríem encoratjar a tots els socis a assistir a aquesta reunió, ja que és una bona oportunitat per suggeriments i la vostra opinió vers el millorament del Casal.

Gràcies per la vostra atenció i esperem la vostra assistència.

* * * * * * * * * *

Sunday 22th August at 3.00pm


1. President's welcome.
2. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held 9th August 2009.
3. Treasurer's Reports for the years ended 30th June 2009 & 30th June 2010.
4. General Business.
5. Committee nominations.
6. Election of Office Bearers.
7. Closing.

We would like to thank the present Committee members, for having look after the Casal's affairs during this past year: Montse Becker, Peter Gerrand, Stewart King, Albert Casellas, Sara Bosch, Mireia Perez, Victòria Gras, Josephine Canals & Carmen Godinson.

At this meeting all the Committee positions will become vacant. Some of the present members are only in Australia temporary and will be going back to Catalunya soon. We want to encourage you to form part of the new Committee especially the young members who can bring fresh ideas for the organization of the activities.

Those who may be interested in being nominated or in nominating another person, must complete the nomination form enclosed and it should reach the Casal no later than one week before the meeting (15/08/2010).

We would like to remind all members that in order to be eligible to vote you must be a financial member. You can choose to pay your 10/11 membership either via Bank transfer, send a cheque or alternatively you can pay prior to the meeting on the day.

We would like to encourage all members to attend this meeting, as it is always a good opportunity to voice suggestions and to express your opinion for the Casal's improvement.

Thanks for your co-operation and we hope to see you there.