diumenge, 15 de novembre del 2009
Picnic de Nadal / Xmas BBQ
Edinburgh Gardens (Fitzroy)
Estimats socis i sòcies,
A Catalunya ha comencat l’hivern i nosaltres finalment ja hem tret els pantalons curts i les sandalies de l’armari. En el butlleti d’aquest caloros novembre repassem l’exit del festival de cinema ‘Made in Catalonia’ celebrat a Melbourne, Brisbane i Sydney, i destaquem els detalls del tradicional picnic de Nadal que celebrarem el 6 de Desembre.
La segona edicio del festival de cinema ‘Made in Catalonia’ ha sigut tot un exit. Una gran multitut es van reunir a l’State Library of Victoria a Melbourne el passat 23, 24, 25 d’Octubre per veure cinema catala. Els assistents van gaudir de cine de terror amb ‘Eskalofrio’, de l’original documental ‘Cinema Dali’, de l’emotiu documental de la postguerra civil ‘Notes al peu’ (amb explicacions per la Dra Lilit Thwaites), de la comedia ‘El Kaseron’, i de la galordonada pelicula ‘Tres dies amb la familia’. Durant la festa de cloenda vam gaudir d’un esplendid piscolabis tot fent petar xerrada.
Aquest any el ‘Made in Catalonia’ va exportar el nostre cine fora de les fronteres de l’estat de Victoria. La universitat the Queensland a Brisbane va acullir el festival l’1 de Novembre. Un grup numeros entre els que hi havia Catalans, Mallorquins i Valencians residents a la part sud-est de Queensland van assistir. El nostre representant Albert, afirma que els assistents es van mostrar molt entusiasmats.
El recent ignaugurat Institut Cervantes de Sydney va acullir la sessio final (i la que va aplegar mes gent) del festival ‘Made in Catalonia’, el passat 20, 21 de Novembre. Algunes families catalanes i llatines van recorrer mes de 150Km per atendre el festival, ple a bessar (a l’auditori no hi cabia ni una agulla) en l’ultima pelicula ‘Tres dies amb la familia’ i el pica-pica de despres. El director de l’Institut Cervantes, Isidoro Castellanos (que parla catala), va expressar el desitg de col.laborar en futures ocasions amb el Casal, va destacar que l’Institut oferira classes de Catala i Castella el 2010. Els nostres representants (Peter, Sara, Mireia, Albert) van aprofitar per establir importants vincles amb la comunitat catalana de Sydney desitjosa de revitalitzar el Casal Català de Sydney.
Finalment, el Casal Catala us convida al tradicional Picnic de Nadal, el proper diumenge 6 de desembre a partir de les 12pm als Edinburgh Gardens de Fitzroy (entrada per l'Alfred Crescent - Melway 30 B-12). Recordeu portar el vostre menjar, begudes, cadires, taula. Hi haura activitats pels menuts i com no, farem cagar el tió seguint la tradició catalana. Porteu la canalla!
Tambe farem la típica rifa nadalenca amb 3 premis diferents!
No us ho perdeu: per $2 golden coin donation per participació ($5 per 3 tiquets) entrareu en el sorteig de 3 paneres amb diferents productes.
Us esperem el diumenge 6 de desembre!
El Comitè
Xmas Picnic: Sunday 6 December 2009, from 12 noon
Edinburgh Gardens (Fitzroy)
Dear Casal Members,
In Catalonia winter has arrived, while here we’re getting our shorts and sandals out of the wardrobe. In this November newsletter we review the success of our ‘Made in Catalonia’ Film Festival in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney, and provide details of our traditional Xmas picnic, to take place on Sunday December 6th.
Our second annual ‘Made in Catalonia’ Film Festival has ben a great success. A big crowd attended the State Library Theatrette in Melbourne on 23, 24 & 25 of October to see some excellent Catalan films. The audience enjoyed the horror movie ‘Eskalofrio’, the short documentary ‘Cinema Dali’, the absorbing documentary ‘Notes al peu’ concerning the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War (and a Q & A with Dr Lilit Thwaites), the satirical comedy ‘El Kaserón’, and the acclaimed drama ‘Tres dies amb la familia’. On the final evening we enjoyed a splendid supper provided by the Casal.
This year our ‘Made in Catalonia’ Film Festival went national. The University of Queensland in Brisbane hosted the Festival on 1st November. An eager crowd attended, including Catalans, Majorcans and Valencians living in South East Queensland. Our representative Albert reported back that the audience was very enthusiastic.
The recently inaugurated Cervantes Institute in Sydney hosted the final (and best attended) sessions of our ‘Made in Catalonia’ Festival, on November 20 and 21. Some Catalan and Latin American families travelled up to 150Km to Sydney to participate, and a capacity crowd of 100 attended the final film ’Tres dies amb la familia’ and enjoyed the supper we provided afterwards. The Director of the Cervantes Institute, Isidoro Castellanos (who is a fluent Catalan speaker), expressed his warm desire for further collaborations with our Casal, and noted that his Institute will be offering classes in Catalan as well as Spanish in 2010. Our representatives (Peter, Sara, Albert and Mireia) were able to make contact with Catalan families in Sydney, who are keen to be kept in touch with our activities.
Finaly, the Casal welcomes all its members to our traditional Xmas Picnic, to be held this year on Sunday 6th December in the Edinburgh Gardens in Fitzroy (enter via Alfred Crescent - Melway 30 B-12). Bring your picnic lunch, drinks, and picnic tables and chairs, and join us from 12 noon onwards. There will be activities for the kids, such as ‘cagar el tió’ in the Catalan tradition. Bring the whole family!
There will be a Xmas raffle with 3 different prizes!
Don’t miss out: for a $2 ‘gold coin’ donation (or $5 for 3 tickets) you can enter the raffle for 3 different Xmas hampers.
We hope to see you there on 6 of December!
The Committee
dimarts, 1 de setembre del 2009
Dates importants / Key dates
Dates importants: 12 i 13 de Setembre, 23-25 d’Octubre
La primavera ja comença a treure el nas i les bufandes ja son a l’armari. El F.CBarcelona continua enamoran i ja te la SuperCopa d’Espanya a la butxaca. La carta d’agost ve carregada d’anuncis i events que no us podeu perdre; presentacion del nou comité pel curs 2009-10, seminari Dalí, la Diada, i el “Made in Catalonia Film Festival”.
El passat dia 9 d’Agost a les 3 tarda es va celebra l’assamblea general del Casal Català. A pesar de la poca assistencia l’acte va transcorrer amb normalitat. Els balanços van ser aprovats i el nou comité ratificat: Presidenta: Montse Becker, Vice-President: Peter Gerrand, Tresorer: Stewart King, Secretari: Albert Casellas, Vocal: Josephine Canals, Vocal: Mireia Perez, Vocal: Victòria Gras, Vocal: Carmen Godinson, Vocal: Sara Bosch. – Gracies pel vostre suport i confiança!!!
El Casal Català ha organitzat un event especial que es celebrerà el dissabte 12 de setembre de 2 a 4.30 tarda a la “National Gallery of Victoria” (St Kilda Road): el seminari “Salvador Dalí and Catalonia” en el marc de l’exitosa exposició “Salvador Dalí – Liquid desire”. Peter Gerrand introduirà el seminari seguidament na Victòria Gras recitarà un poema Català de l’epoca surrealista. Tot seguit l’Stewart King fara una xerrada titulada; “Salvador Dalí and Catalan Culture” , i en Frank Heckes clourà l’acte amb la xerrada “From Catalan Landscapes to Surrealist Masterpieces”. Cost $32 Adult, $29 concesion.
El Casal disposa de 30 entrades gratuites. Interessats trucar Peter Gerrand de 12pm a 7pm qualssevol dia des del 28 Agost al 6 de Setembre. Les entrades seran otorgades “on a first come first serve basis” als socis al current de pagament. Maxim de 2 entrades per soci/familia.
Com cada any el Casal Català convida a tots els socis i socies per celebrar el dia nacional de Catalunya – La Diada. La celebració tindra lloc el proper diumenge 13 de setembre de 3 a 6 de la tarda al Casal, 247-251 Flinders Lane. Us hi esperem!!!
“Made in Catalonia film festival” torna. Despres de l’exitosa primera edició aquest any no nomès Melbourne sino Sydney i Brisbane veuran cinema català gracies al suport del Minesteri de Cultura d’Espanya i la Generalitat de Catalunya. A Melbourne el festival es celebrarà el proper 23, 24, i 25 d’octubre al ‘State Library of Victoria’ (entrada - La Trobe). A Sydney possiblement es celebrarà el 20 i 21 de Novembre i a Brisbane el 31 d’Octubre. Mes informació en el seguent butlleti!
Gràcies a tots per la vostra atenció i us esperem totes aquestes dates!
El Comitè
Key dates: 12 and 13 September, and 23-25 October
The August newsletter has several items of interest; confirmation of the new Committee for the year 2009-10, and advance notice of our Dali seminar, our National Day, and our second annual “Made in Catalonia Film Festival”.
On 9th August at 3pm we held the Casal’s AGM. Despite (or because) of a small attendance, the meeting was very efficient! The accounts were approved and the new Committee was elected: President: Montse Becker, Vice-President: Peter Gerrand, Treasurer: Stewart King, Secretary: Albert Casellas, Committee Members: Josephine Canals, Mireia Perez, Victòria Gras, Carmen Godinson and Sara Bosch. Thank you for your support and confidence in us!
The Casal has organized a special event to take place on Saturday 12th September from 2pm to 4.30 pm at the National Gallery of Victoria (St Kilda Rd): the seminar “Salvador Dali and Catalonia”, in conjunction with the very popular exhibition “Salvador Dali – Liquid desire”. The seminar will begin with a brief introduction of the Casal by Peter Gerrand, a recital of an appropiate surrealist Catalan poem by Victòria Gras, followed by two illustrated lectures; “Salvador Dali and Catalan Culture” by Stewart King and “From Catalan Landscapess to Surrealist Masterpieces”, by Frank Heckes. Normal Cost $32 Adult, $29 concession; however note below.
The Casal Committee has negotiated 30 free entries. Those interested in attending should ring Peter Gerrand between 12 noon and 7 pm, any day between 28 August and 6 September. The free tickets will be allocated on a “first come, first served basis” to financial members of the Casal, with a maximum of 2 tickets per member or family.
As usual the Casal invites all its members to celebrate the national day of Catalonia – “La diada”. The celebration will take place on Sunday 13th September from 3 to 6 pm at “Ross House” 247-251 Flinders St- Melbourne. We hope that you can all come!
“Made in Catalonia film festival”: after the success of our first Film Festival last year, held in Melbourne alone, we will be ‘going national’ with our second “Made in Catalonia film festival” this year, presenting it in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, thanks to grants from the Spanish Ministry of Culture as well as from the Generalitat de Catalunya. In Melbourne, the Film Festival will take place on Friday 23, Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 of October at the State Library of Victoria’s Theatrette (La Trobe St entrance). Likely dates for Sydney are 20 and 21st November, and for Brisbane 31 October 2009 – these latter dates are yet to be confirmed. – More information in our next letter!
Looking forward to seeing you at these events!
The Committee
dimecres, 1 de juliol del 2009
Dalí Seminars Sponsored by the Casal at the NGV

From 2pm to 4.30pm
Coinciding with la Diada, the Catalan National Day (11 Sep), this seminar will explore Dalí’s life and art in relation to his native Catalonia: its culture, traditions, artistic heritage and landscape. The seminar will include a brief history of Catalans in Melbourne and a short poetry recital, in Catalan and English translation, to convey the flavour of Catalan culture.
• The Provincial and the Universal: Salvador Dalí and Catalan Culture
Although often considered a Spanish artist, Dalí was born in Catalonia and identified on numerous occasions as Catalan. This lecture will examine the influence of Catalonia on Dalí’s life as well as his often-fraught relationship with his native culture and society.
- Speaker Dr Stewart King, Senior Lecturer, Spanish and Catalan Studies, Monash University
• Dalí’s Art: From Catalan Landscapes to Surrealist Masterpieces
This lecture will analyse Salvador Dalí’s artistic development from his early landscapes of Cadaqués to such Surrealist creations as The Great Masturbator (1929), The Persistence of Memory (1931), Memory of the Child-Woman (1932) and Archaeological Reminiscence of Millet’s “Angelus” (c.1934).
- Speaker Dr Frank I. Heckes, Honorary Research Associate, Art History, La Trobe University
Seminars Sponsored by the Casal Català de Victòria
Saturday 12 September, 2 - 4.30pm
Venue Clemenger BBDO Auditorium, NGV International
Cost $32 Adult / $27 NGV Member / $29 Concession & Student
Includes afternoon tea. Exhibition entry not included
Event code P09100
More info:
dimarts, 23 de juny del 2009
Sant Joan 2009
Diumenge 28 de juny, a partir de les 3 al Casal
Estimats socis i sòcies,
L’hivern ja es aquí, abrics i bufandes són la tònica pel carrer. Mentre a Catalunya és temps de platja i orxata, a Melbourne mengem castanyes i moniatos. La carta del mes de juny ve plena de notícies; L’èxit de la trobada de St Jordi, membres del casal retornen a València, “tardes de cinema”, reunió general anual i Barça, Barça i Barça!!!
La trobada de St Jordi celebrada el passat 26 d’abril va ser tot un èxit. Menuts i grans vam gaudir d’una vetllada distressa, on vam dibuixar, xerrar, menjar, beure, ballar sardanes, degustar el fantàstic pàstis de St Jordi gentilessa de la família Sànchez i aprendre amb l’apunt d’història de’n Peter – Gràcies a tothom per fer-ho possible.
Des del Casal desitjem en Jaume, na Sisca i el petit Jan molta sort i felicitat en la nova etapa que empendran a València, on s’instalaran definitivament. – Us trobarem a faltar!!!. També aprofitem per agraïr al Jaume la seva inestimable aportació en el redisseny de la web del Casal i el festival de Cinema Català.
“Tardes de cinema” es una nova activitat per reunir interessats en veure sèries televisives i pel·líques catalanes i després xerrar amb una copeta (o dues!). Començarem amb la comèdia “Porca Misèria”. Desafortunadament, el dvd no té subtítols en anglès, així per aprofitar-ho s’ha de tenir cert nivell de català. Seran trobades informals cada quinzena començant divendres 17 de juliol - 6 tarda. Interessats contacteu Stewart King: stewart.king@arts.monash.edu.au o 0449613139
Hem de felicitar al F.C Barcelona per l’extraordinària temporada. El Barça ha fet història, sent el primer equip en guanyar la Copa del Rei, la Lliga i la Champions. A part de deleitar als seguidors durant tot l’any, la victòria ha posat Catalunya al mapa. Fins i tot la televisió australiana se n’ha fet ressó. – Visca el Barça i visca Catalunya!!!
Tots el socis i sòcies del Casal quedeu convocats a la propera Reunió General Anual diumenge 9 d’agost les 3 de la tarda, on s’escullirà el proper comitè. Mes detalls a la propera carta. - Interessat en formar-ne part? Contactar: Montse 04 08994113.
St Joan s’acosta; petards, alegria, soroll, ballaruca i misteri. Al casal ho celebrarem el proper diumenge 28 de juny ,a la Ross House, 247-251 Flinders Lane – 3 tarda. Sense petards però amb molta alegria, coques i cava. – Us hi esperem!
Nota de condol a ànims a tots els familiars i amics de na Margaret Garriga, sòcia fundadora del Casal , que ens deixar el passat mes de maig a l’edat de 90 anys.
Gràcies a tots per la vostra atenció i us esperem el diumenge 28 de junyl!
El Comitè
Sunday 28th June, from
Dear Casal Members,
Winter is here; time for overcoats and scarves! In Melbourne some of us are cooking chestnuts and sweet potatoes, whereas in Catalonia they’re probably heading for the beach and drinking horchates – lucky so-and-so’s! But our June newsletter is full of good news: our successful celebration of St Jordi’s Day; the return of some of our members to Valencia, “les tardes de cinema”; the
Our reunion to celebrate St Jordi’s Day on 26 April was a great success. From the youngest to the oldest we had a very enjoyable time, either drawing, chatting, eating, drinking, dancing sardanes or sampling the fantastic “pastis de St Jordi” courtesy of the Sanchez’s family, and hearing Peter’s interesting talk on the history of St Jordi. Thank you to everyone who made it possible.
Everyone in the Casal wishes Jaume, Sisca and baby Jan happiness and good luck in their move to Valencia, their new home – we will miss you!. And a big ‘thankyou’ to Jaume for his invaluable help with the design of the websites for the Casal and for the ‘Made in Catalonia’ Film Festivals.
“Tardes de cinema” is a new activity for those interested in meeting fortnightly to watch Catalan television programs and/or films, followed by a chat and a drink. We will begin with the hilarious series “Porca Misèria”on Friday 17th July at the Casal-6 pm. Unfortunately, there are no English subtitles with this series. Those interested should contact Stewart King Stewart.King@arts.monash.edu.au, call 0449613139 or just turn up.
Congrats to F.C Barcelona for its extraordinary achievements. El Barça has made history as the first team to win the Copa del Rei, Lliga and Champions competitions in the same year. Apart from delighting their fans all the year, they’ve put Barcelona even more prominently on the map. Even
All members of the Casal are invited to the next Annual General Meeting on Sunday 9th August at
St Joan approaches - traditionally with fireworks, good cheer, noise, and dancing. We will celebrate it on Sunday 28th June at the Casal at
Our condolences and best wishes to the family and friends of Margaret Garriga, a founding member of the Casal Català de Victòria, who passed away in May at the age of 90 years.
Thank you for your attention – and we’ll see you on the 28 of June!
The Committee
dijous, 2 d’abril del 2009
SANT JORDI (Sunday 26 April, 3pm - Ross House)
El passat dia 7 de febrer, l’estat de Victòria es va veure afectat pels més terribles incendis de la seva història més recent. Des del Casal Català, volem transmetre un suport especial a tots el socis i sòcies, així com a familiars i amics, que s’hagin pogut veure afectats d’alguna forma.

Afortunadament, no tot són notícies tristes. El Casal es plau de donar la benvinguda a un nou membre, el Jan, Qui va néixer el passat 14 de Febrer. Moltes felicitats als pares,
El mes d’abril arriba carregat de lletres, flors i celebracions, doncs el 23 d’abril es celebra a Catalunya
El Casal Català es complau convidar-vos el diumenge 26 d’Abril a
Mentre els menuts dibuixen, convidem als adults a fer una breu presentació (més o menys 1 minut) del vostre llibre preferit o del darrer llibre que hagueu llegit. Una bona manera de compartir lectures i incentivar als assistents a llegir la novel·la que tant us ha agradat.
El moment àlgid de la tarda arribarà amb el vídeo/documental de Sant Jordi de 20 minuts. Una pinzellada de la història, cultura i tradició popular que rodeja aquest dia tan important per Catalunya, també conegut com el dia del llibre i la rosa.
Gràcies a tots per la vostra atenció i us esperem el diumenge 26 d’abril!
El Comitè
Dear Casal members,
On February 7 the State of Victoria suffered the worst bush fires in its history. The Casal Català wishes to convey our condolences to any of our members whose friends or relatives have been tragically affected in any way by the fires.
Fortunately, we have some good news too. The Casal is delighted to welcome a new member, Jan, born on 14 of February. Our best wishes to her parents, Sisca and Jaume; to the happy grandparents Sánchez and Albert families!
April arrives with a promise of books and roses, since on 23 April these are the gifts with which we celebrate the Day of Sant Jordi. No less a body than UNESCO has recognized it as the World Book and Copyright Day, based upon the Catalan traditions of the Diada de Sant Jordi – and the coincidence that this was the date on which Cervantes, Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de
The Casal Català is pleased to invite you on Sunday 26 April to Ross House (4th Floor), 247-251 Flinders Lane- Melbourne, 3-6 pm, to celebrate Sant Jordi with food and drinks and Catalan sweets for everyone. (Everyone attending will receive a small gift appropriate to the day).
For the children we have planned an Artists’ Workshop. It’s not necessary to be a brilliant artist! The idea will be to draw what interested you most about some special book that you have read. The Casal will provide the equipment, you just have to bring the kids! (And every child participating will receive a prize!)
While the young ones draw, we’ll invite the adults to give a very brief talk (no more than one minute each!) on your favourite book – or on the most recent book that you have enjoyed reading. A good way to compare notes and perhaps motivate others to read a book that you can particularly recommend, especially if it’s about Catalonia (in any language).
As a climax to the afternoon we will show a documentary video on Sant Jordi of 20 minutes: a brief sketch of the history, culture and popular tradition behind this important day in Catalonia, also known as the Day of Books and Roses.
We hope to see you all on Sunday 26 of April!
The Committee
divendres, 23 de gener del 2009
BBQ/PICNIC 2009, first social and cultural event of the year!
Estimats socis i sòcies,
El comitè del Casal Català de Victòria Inc. us desitja un Feliç Any 2009. Esperem que hagueu passat unes Bones Festes i hagueu començat aquest any 2009 amb il.lusió i alegria.
Aprofitem la present per repassar els darrers events del 2008, anunciar el proper curs intensiu de Català i presentar la propera trobada.
El Casal Català agraiex als socis l’assistència al picnic de Nadal. Va ser un éxit de convocatòria. Els mes afortunats es van endur a casa una de les tres paneres rifades i els menuts van disfrutar dels jocs que en David–Jordi Godinez va preparar – Moltes gràcies David per la teva ajuda. Els dolços tampoc van faltar, gentilesa del “caga tió”.
El 2008 s’ha acabat i amb ell ha arribat el moment d’acomiadar la Sara Bosch. Des del Març de 2008, la Sara, enviada per la Generalitat de Catalunya, ha estat treballant per revitalitzar i reorganitzar el casal. Entre altres coses la Sara ha redisenyat la Web del Casal, impulsat el festival de cinema Català i modernitzat la gestió del casal. El Casal Català agraeix profundament la seva dedicació. Ens plau comunicar que la Sara seguirà formant part del subcomitè del casal.
El Casal Català ens plau donar la benvinguda a un nou membre del casal, en Liam. Felicitats a la Viqui Grass, secretaria del Casal Català, al seu marit Ewan i l’Amàlia per l’arribada del Liam el passat mes de Novembre.
Us anunciem el Curs de Català Intensiu que es durà a terme a Latrobe University.
Finalment, ha arribat hora de veure’ns! Ens complau anunciar el primer event de l’any. El Casal Català us vol convidar a la primera barbacoa/picnic del 2009 (BYO menjar/beure) diumenge 8 de Febrer al Princes Park - Princes Park Drive and Macpherson St - North Carlton- de 12-5 tarda. Recordeu portar manta, cadires i tot el que cregueu necessari per estar comodes. Jocs de taula, musica i pilotes son benvinguts.
Aixi doncs, esperem veure-us a tots el proper 8 de Febrer.
Per a qualsevol dubte o aclariment, podeu contactar amb la Montserrat Becker (Presidenta Casal Català, Tel. 0408 994113) o amb la Mireia Perez (secretària accidental, Tel. 0419 462 371).
Gràcies a tots per la vostra atenció, esperem veure-us ben aviat!
El Comitè
Dear members,
The committee of the Casal Català de Victòria Inc. wishes you a Happy 2009. We hope you have had a Merry Christmas and a very enjoyable New Year.
For the Casal, 2008 ended with the Christmas picnic. The turnout was remarkable. Thanks to those members who could make it. An enjoyable time was had by all. Several members lucky enough to win the raffle went home with one of the three magnificent “Christmas hampers” on offer and the kids had fun with the games that David-Jordi Godinez prepared. – Thank you very much David for your help. There was also no shortage of lollies thanks to the “Caga Tió”.
As 2008 has come to a close, it’s time to thank Sara Bosch, who was sent by the Generalitat de Catalunya to revitalise and reorganise the Casal. Since her arrival in March 2008 Sara has, among many other activities and initiatives, redesigned the Casal website, directed the “Made in Catalonia” film festival and simplified and organised the administrative running of the Casal. We would like to thank Sara very much for her hard work. We are pleased to announce that Sara will continue contributing to the Casal’s development as a member of the subcommittee, as she has decided to stay in Australia for a while.
The Casal Català is pleased to welcome its newest and youngest member Liam. Congratulations to Viqui, the Casal Català secretary, her husband Ewan and daughter Amàlia for Liam’s arrival last November.
For those interested in developing their Catalan language skills, La Trobe University is offering an intensive course starting 3rd February. Detailed information can be found in the attached flyer.
We are pleased to announce our first social and cultural event of 2009: a BBQ/picnic to be held Sunday 8 February at Princes Park - Princes Park Drive and Macpherson St in North Carlton, 12-5 pm (Melway 29 H-12). BYO food and drinks. Don’t forget to bring a blanket, chairs, or anything else you might need to have an enjoyable time. Board games, music and balls are welcome.
We look forward to seeing you all on 8 February.
If you have any queries, please contact Montserrat Becker (President, Casal Català, Ph. 0408 994113) or Mireia Perez (Acting Secretary, Ph. 0419 462 371).
We look forward to seeing you soon,
The Committee
dilluns, 12 de gener del 2009
Learn Catalan!
Learn a romance language!
La Trobe University’s Spanish Program, in conjunction with the Catalan Government, invites you to join in a four week intensive Catalan language course for complete beginners this summer.
This introduction to the exciting and dynamic Catalan language will give you insight into the unique culture from this part of Spain. Offered for complete beginners, this four week intensive course, equivalent to one semester’s learning, will reinforce the everyday use of the language.
Incorporating a range of materials, Dr Victòria Gras, an experienced teacher and native speaker of Catalan, will introduce you to a variety of aspects of Catalan culture and language, exploring the problematic co-existence of Catalan alongside Spanish, particularly in relation to Barcelona.
When: This course will run from February 3rd – 27th, 2009 (Summer Semester/ Weeks 6-9) Classes will be held Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10am – 1:30pm
Location: La Trobe University, Melbourne (City) Campus, 215 Franklin Street, Melbourne (Melway map ref: 2F B1)
Credit: This subject may be taken purely for interest. University students who satisfactorily complete the assessment tasks may approach their home faculty to apply for credit towards their degree. Students seeking such credit should gain the approval of their faculty before registration.
Where can I find out more information and enrol?
This unit is open for enrolment to both University students and the general public. For general enquiries regarding enrolling in a single unit contact the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, La Trobe University on +61 3 9479 2023 or visit their website at www.latrobe.edu.au/humanities