divendres, 23 de gener del 2009

BBQ/PICNIC 2009, first social and cultural event of the year!

Estimats socis i sòcies,

El comitè del Casal Català de Victòria Inc. us desitja un Feliç Any 2009. Esperem que hagueu passat unes Bones Festes i hagueu començat aquest any 2009 amb il.lusió i alegria.

Aprofitem la present per repassar els darrers events del 2008, anunciar el proper curs intensiu de Català i presentar la propera trobada.

El Casal Català agraiex als socis l’assistència al picnic de Nadal. Va ser un éxit de convocatòria. Els mes afortunats es van endur a casa una de les tres paneres rifades i els menuts van disfrutar dels jocs que en David–Jordi Godinez va preparar – Moltes gràcies David per la teva ajuda. Els dolços tampoc van faltar, gentilesa del “caga tió”.

El 2008 s’ha acabat i amb ell ha arribat el moment d’acomiadar la Sara Bosch. Des del Març de 2008, la Sara, enviada per la Generalitat de Catalunya, ha estat treballant per revitalitzar i reorganitzar el casal. Entre altres coses la Sara ha redisenyat la Web del Casal, impulsat el festival de cinema Català i modernitzat la gestió del casal. El Casal Català agraeix profundament la seva dedicació. Ens plau comunicar que la Sara seguirà formant part del subcomitè del casal.

El Casal Català ens plau donar la benvinguda a un nou membre del casal, en Liam. Felicitats a la Viqui Grass, secretaria del Casal Català, al seu marit Ewan i l’Amàlia per l’arribada del Liam el passat mes de Novembre.

Us anunciem el Curs de Català Intensiu que es durà a terme a Latrobe University.

Finalment, ha arribat hora de veure’ns! Ens complau anunciar el primer event de l’any. El Casal Català us vol convidar a la primera barbacoa/picnic del 2009 (BYO menjar/beure) diumenge 8 de Febrer al Princes Park - Princes Park Drive and Macpherson St - North Carlton- de 12-5 tarda. Recordeu portar manta, cadires i tot el que cregueu necessari per estar comodes. Jocs de taula, musica i pilotes son benvinguts.

Aixi doncs, esperem veure-us a tots el proper 8 de Febrer.

Per a qualsevol dubte o aclariment, podeu contactar amb la Montserrat Becker (Presidenta Casal Català, Tel. 0408 994113) o amb la Mireia Perez (secretària accidental, Tel. 0419 462 371).

Gràcies a tots per la vostra atenció, esperem veure-us ben aviat!

El Comitè

Dear members,

The committee of the Casal Català de Victòria Inc. wishes you a Happy 2009. We hope you have had a Merry Christmas and a very enjoyable New Year.

For the Casal, 2008 ended with the Christmas picnic. The turnout was remarkable. Thanks to those members who could make it. An enjoyable time was had by all. Several members lucky enough to win the raffle went home with one of the three magnificent “Christmas hampers” on offer and the kids had fun with the games that David-Jordi Godinez prepared. – Thank you very much David for your help. There was also no shortage of lollies thanks to the “Caga Tió”.

As 2008 has come to a close, it’s time to thank Sara Bosch, who was sent by the Generalitat de Catalunya to revitalise and reorganise the Casal. Since her arrival in March 2008 Sara has, among many other activities and initiatives, redesigned the Casal website, directed the “Made in Catalonia” film festival and simplified and organised the administrative running of the Casal. We would like to thank Sara very much for her hard work. We are pleased to announce that Sara will continue contributing to the Casal’s development as a member of the subcommittee, as she has decided to stay in Australia for a while.

The Casal Català is pleased to welcome its newest and youngest member Liam. Congratulations to Viqui, the Casal Català secretary, her husband Ewan and daughter Amàlia for Liam’s arrival last November.

For those interested in developing their Catalan language skills, La Trobe University is offering an intensive course starting 3rd February. Detailed information can be found in the attached flyer.

We are pleased to announce our first social and cultural event of 2009: a BBQ/picnic to be held Sunday 8 February at Princes Park - Princes Park Drive and Macpherson St in North Carlton, 12-5 pm (Melway 29 H-12). BYO food and drinks. Don’t forget to bring a blanket, chairs, or anything else you might need to have an enjoyable time. Board games, music and balls are welcome.

We look forward to seeing you all on 8 February.

If you have any queries, please contact Montserrat Becker (President, Casal Català, Ph. 0408 994113) or Mireia Perez (Acting Secretary, Ph. 0419 462 371).

We look forward to seeing you soon,

The Committee

dilluns, 12 de gener del 2009

Learn Catalan!

Spice up your summer
Learn a romance language!

La Trobe University’s Spanish Program, in conjunction with the Catalan Government, invites you to join in a four week intensive Catalan language course for complete beginners this summer.

This introduction to the exciting and dynamic Catalan language will give you insight into the unique culture from this part of Spain. Offered for complete beginners, this four week intensive course, equivalent to one semester’s learning, will reinforce the everyday use of the language.

Incorporating a range of materials, Dr Victòria Gras, an experienced teacher and native speaker of Catalan, will introduce you to a variety of aspects of Catalan culture and language, exploring the problematic co-existence of Catalan alongside Spanish, particularly in relation to Barcelona.

When: This course will run from February 3rd – 27th, 2009 (Summer Semester/ Weeks 6-9) Classes will be held Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10am – 1:30pm
Location: La Trobe University, Melbourne (City) Campus, 215 Franklin Street, Melbourne (Melway map ref: 2F B1)
Credit: This subject may be taken purely for interest. University students who satisfactorily complete the assessment tasks may approach their home faculty to apply for credit towards their degree. Students seeking such credit should gain the approval of their faculty before registration.

Where can I find out more information and enrol?
This unit is open for enrolment to both University students and the general public. For general enquiries regarding enrolling in a single unit contact the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, La Trobe University on +61 3 9479 2023 or visit their website at www.latrobe.edu.au/humanities