dimarts, 1 de setembre del 2009

Dates importants / Key dates

Dates importants: 12 i 13 de Setembre, 23-25 d’Octubre

La primavera ja comença a treure el nas i les bufandes ja son a l’armari. El F.CBarcelona continua enamoran i ja te la SuperCopa d’Espanya a la butxaca. La carta d’agost ve carregada d’anuncis i events que no us podeu perdre; presentacion del nou comité pel curs 2009-10, seminari Dalí, la Diada, i el “Made in Catalonia Film Festival”.

El passat dia 9 d’Agost a les 3 tarda es va celebra l’assamblea general del Casal Català. A pesar de la poca assistencia l’acte va transcorrer amb normalitat. Els balanços van ser aprovats i el nou comité ratificat: Presidenta: Montse Becker, Vice-President: Peter Gerrand, Tresorer: Stewart King, Secretari: Albert Casellas, Vocal: Josephine Canals, Vocal: Mireia Perez, Vocal: Victòria Gras, Vocal: Carmen Godinson, Vocal: Sara Bosch. – Gracies pel vostre suport i confiança!!!

El Casal Català ha organitzat un event especial que es celebrerà el dissabte 12 de setembre de 2 a 4.30 tarda a la “National Gallery of Victoria” (St Kilda Road): el seminari “Salvador Dalí and Catalonia” en el marc de l’exitosa exposició “Salvador Dalí – Liquid desire”. Peter Gerrand introduirà el seminari seguidament na Victòria Gras recitarà un poema Català de l’epoca surrealista. Tot seguit l’Stewart King fara una xerrada titulada; “Salvador Dalí and Catalan Culture” , i en Frank Heckes clourà l’acte amb la xerrada “From Catalan Landscapes to Surrealist Masterpieces”. Cost $32 Adult, $29 concesion.

El Casal disposa de 30 entrades gratuites. Interessats trucar Peter Gerrand de 12pm a 7pm qualssevol dia des del 28 Agost al 6 de Setembre. Les entrades seran otorgades “on a first come first serve basis” als socis al current de pagament. Maxim de 2 entrades per soci/familia.

Com cada any el Casal Català convida a tots els socis i socies per celebrar el dia nacional de Catalunya – La Diada. La celebració tindra lloc el proper diumenge 13 de setembre de 3 a 6 de la tarda al Casal, 247-251 Flinders Lane. Us hi esperem!!!

Made in Catalonia film festival” torna. Despres de l’exitosa primera edició aquest any no nomès Melbourne sino Sydney i Brisbane veuran cinema català gracies al suport del Minesteri de Cultura d’Espanya i la Generalitat de Catalunya. A Melbourne el festival es celebrarà el proper 23, 24, i 25 d’octubre al ‘State Library of Victoria’ (entrada - La Trobe). A Sydney possiblement es celebrarà el 20 i 21 de Novembre i a Brisbane el 31 d’Octubre. Mes informació en el seguent butlleti!

Gràcies a tots per la vostra atenció i us esperem totes aquestes dates!

El Comitè


Key dates: 12 and 13 September, and 23-25 October

The August newsletter has several items of interest; confirmation of the new Committee for the year 2009-10, and advance notice of our Dali seminar, our National Day, and our second annual “Made in Catalonia Film Festival”.

On 9th August at 3pm we held the Casal’s AGM. Despite (or because) of a small attendance, the meeting was very efficient! The accounts were approved and the new Committee was elected: President: Montse Becker, Vice-President: Peter Gerrand, Treasurer: Stewart King, Secretary: Albert Casellas, Committee Members: Josephine Canals, Mireia Perez, Victòria Gras, Carmen Godinson and Sara Bosch. Thank you for your support and confidence in us!

The Casal has organized a special event to take place on Saturday 12th September from 2pm to 4.30 pm at the National Gallery of Victoria (St Kilda Rd): the seminar “Salvador Dali and Catalonia”, in conjunction with the very popular exhibition “Salvador Dali – Liquid desire”. The seminar will begin with a brief introduction of the Casal by Peter Gerrand, a recital of an appropiate surrealist Catalan poem by Victòria Gras, followed by two illustrated lectures; “Salvador Dali and Catalan Culture” by Stewart King and “From Catalan Landscapess to Surrealist Masterpieces”, by Frank Heckes. Normal Cost $32 Adult, $29 concession; however note below.

The Casal Committee has negotiated 30 free entries. Those interested in attending should ring Peter Gerrand between 12 noon and 7 pm, any day between 28 August and 6 September. The free tickets will be allocated on a “first come, first served basis” to financial members of the Casal, with a maximum of 2 tickets per member or family.

As usual the Casal invites all its members to celebrate the national day of Catalonia – La diada”. The celebration will take place on Sunday 13th September from 3 to 6 pm at “Ross House” 247-251 Flinders St- Melbourne. We hope that you can all come!

Made in Catalonia film festival”: after the success of our first Film Festival last year, held in Melbourne alone, we will be ‘going national’ with our second “Made in Catalonia film festival” this year, presenting it in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, thanks to grants from the Spanish Ministry of Culture as well as from the Generalitat de Catalunya. In Melbourne, the Film Festival will take place on Friday 23, Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 of October at the State Library of Victoria’s Theatrette (La Trobe St entrance). Likely dates for Sydney are 20 and 21st November, and for Brisbane 31 October 2009 – these latter dates are yet to be confirmed. – More information in our next letter!

Looking forward to seeing you at these events!

The Committee